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Current MOU



The purpose of this task force is to review and evaluate Harrisonburg City Public Schools’ current School Resource Officer program and make recommendations to the School Board. 

Task Force Recommendations


Task Force Subcommittees

A summary of each subcommittee's purpose, goal, and work can be found here

Opportunities for Public Involvement

Community feedback survey - English | Español | translations

June 23, 2021: SRO Presentation (video)
Presentations: (HPD) (Restorative Justice)
Skyline Middle School - 6:00-8:00 pm (also livestreamed)
(Masks and social distancing required.)
Presentation feedback form

September 9, 2021: Community Town Hall (video
Presentations: (Legal Aid Justice Center) (Dr. Kathy Evans)
Skyline Middle School - 6:00-8:00 pm (also livestreamed)
(Masks and social distancing required.)
Presentation feedback form

September 23, 2021: Parent Focus Group
Thomas Harrison Middle School - 6:30-8:00 pm



February 2021: Task Force established
May 2021: External facilitator brought in to guide process
June 23, 2021: SRO Presentation (open to the public)
July-August 2021: Subcommittee meetings
September 9, 2021: Community Town Hall
September 2021: Task Force preliminary recommendations
November 4, 2021: Recommendations presented to School Board


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