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Have a favorite local business?  Own your own business?  Does your workplace want to support the community?  Take one of these forms (also available in hard copy in the band room) and have them complete the form/ email me and submit payment. Our goal always is for each band family to sell one ad!   Ad/Sponsorforms attached. 



We also offer  a single line memorable message for $15 that band families or students can submit for the program!  "Way to go class of 2023!" "The drumline is the heartbeat of the band"  "Colorguard keep on smilin'"  are some examples! There is also an option to do a half page or full page feature of your student, section, grade level, etc. Examples on the second page of the document.  Shoutout/ Feature Form Attached. 



Band families, both current and alumni can sponsor a trophy for SVMI 2022! Trophy sponsorships are $40 and can be made in honor or in memory of a current or alumni band member, section, etc.  This can be a great way to memorialize or honor your band experience, a band member, an alumni, a section, loved one, or a family member. Trophy Sponsorship Form Attached. 

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